Cannabis and the Sexual Brain: How Sex Affects Cannabinoid Activity

Male and female animals, including humans, exhibit different responses to cannabis and its intoxicating constituent, THC. This international symposium will present the available evidence for sexual dimorphisms in the pharmacological properties of THC. 

Featured Speakers

(Click on an image to read each person’s bio)

Larry Cahill
Larry Cahill, PhD
UCI School of Biological
Rebecca Craft
Rebecca M. Craft, PhD
Washington State
Liana Fattore
Liana Fattore, PhD
Institute of Neuroscience,
Monserrato, Italy
Christine Gall
Christine Gall
UCI School of Medicine
Ulrike Luderer
Ulrike Luderer, PhD
UCI School of Medicine
Gary Lynch
Gary Lynch
UCI School of Medicine
Steven Mahler
Stephen Mahler, PhD
UCI School of Biological
Daniele Piomelli
Daniele Piomelli
UCI School of Medicine
Patrizia Porcu
Patrizia Porcu, PhD
Institute of Neuroscience,
Monserrato, Italy 
Alexa Torrens
UCI Anatomy and Neurobiology 
Ed Wagner
Ed Wagner, PhD
Western University of
Health Sciences
Marcelo Wood, PhD
UCI School of Biological